Research pioneers

IRAM hosts a world-class group in observational astronomy at millimeter wavelengths.

Our scientists have access to state-of-the-art observatories by which they seek answers to some of the most important astrophysical questions of our time, through broad and ambitious research programs.

Our researchers are actively engaged in exploring our solar system, understanding the birth and death of stars, studying the chemical composition of the interstellar medium, revealing the dynamical and chemical properties of galaxies, and studying the evolution of galaxies through cosmic time.

IRAM astronomers are committed to promoting learning and training opportunities for visiting scientists. They provide technical and software support that enables the global astronomical community to observe, calibrate, and analyze data from IRAM’s observatories.

IRAM’s astronomy group maintains scientific and technical research collaborations with observatories and organizations around the world, and is involved in a number of transnational research initiatives funded by the European Union. The group has been instrumental in a number of international projects, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), the world’s largest millimeter and submillimeter telescope project, and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the world-wide network of observatories for black hole research.



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