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IRAM hosts several important scientific events during the year, including the IRAM annual summer school, lectures and workshops.

Scientists all over the world benefite from these events as valuable opportunities to share knowledge and learn about recent advances, current challenges, and future directions in millimeter and submillimeter astronomy.

Moreover, the year 2022 marked an important milestone in the history of the institute as it saw the  completion and official inauguration of the NOEMA observatory.

With a special focus on the enhanced NOEMA capabilities, IRAM organized an international conference held in Nice (France). Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium covered all aspects of millimeter and submillimeter astronomy, from the chemical complexity of the interstellar medium in the local and early Universe, to the chemical environment of stars in the earliest stages of formation and the physical and chemical evolution of galaxies over cosmic time. Bringing together more than 150 scientists from across the world the conference offered a unique platform to examine new scientific horizons that will be opened by the next generation of radio telescopes.

Information about upcoming and past events can be found in the menu on the left.