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LP010: Class 0 protostars with PdBI : solving the angular momentum problem ?


CALYPSO (Continuum and Lines in Young Protostellar Objects) is an IRAM Large Program that combined Plateau de Bure and 30-m telescope observations to produce a comprehensive set of observations of continuum and line emission in the nearest low-mass Class 0 protostars. The scientific objectives of the project are 1) to constrain the formation process of accretion disks and multiple systems during protostellar collapse, 2) to clarify the role of protostellar jets and outflows in extracting mass and angular momentum from collapsing cloud cores, and 3) to assess the relative importance of inflow, rotation, and outflow motions in the youngest protostellar  envelopes. Addressing these issues, which all have a strong bearing on the long-standing angular momentum problem of star formation, is of paramount importance to better understand the origin of our own solar system.

The program is led by Philippe André (CEA Saclay) and four working group coordinators:
Anaëlle Maury (CEA Saclay – WG1: Protostellar disks and multiple systems)
Claudio Codella (INAF Arcetri – WG2: Molecular jets and outflows)
Sébastien Maret (IPAG Grenoble – WG3: Envelope structure, kinematics, chemistry)
Patrick Hennebelle (CEA Saclay – WG4: Numerical simulations and modelling)

16 Class 0 sources were observed in 5 track-sharing groups. Each of them was further observed in three frequency setups, providing 3 and 1.3 mm continuum, as well as specific observations of several lines from key molecules: 12CO, C18O, SiO, CH3OH, SO, and N2H+. Theses molecules were selected to provide complementary information on the protostellar disks, infalling envelopes, and molecular jets/outflows. Observations further combine extended and compact PdBI configurations (A+C) and short spacings from the IRAM 30-meter telescope.

More details are given on the CALYPSO web page at CEA, which includes a list of CALYPSO publications.

The data repository is here.

Please do not hesitate to contact Philippe André and collaborators to inform them about the use of the data for further scientific publications.

The following acknowledgment would be appreciated:
“This work made use of data from CALYPSO, the IRAM Large Program on ‘Continuum and Lines in Young Protostellar Objects’ (Maury, André, Testi et al. 2019, A&A, 621, A76).”