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LP009: Andromeda

Molecular gas in the Andromeda galaxy

The CO(1-0) line survey of M31 covers an area of about 130arcmin x 30arcmin, oriented along the galaxy major and minor axis defined by Baade and Arp (i.e. elongated at PA = 37.7deg). Its spectral resolution is 1MHz, or 2.6km/s at the CO(1-0) line frequency. The observations were carried out between November 1995 and August 2001 and the main results were reported in two articles and two PhD theses:

  • Neininger, N.; Guélin, M.; Ungerechts, H.; Lucas, R.; Wielebinski, R. 1998, Nature 395, 871.
  • Nieten, Ch.; Neininger, N.; Guélin, M.; Ungerechts, H.; Lucas, R.; Berkhuijsen, E.M.; Beck, R.; Wielebinski, R. 2006, A&A 453, 459.
  • Ch. Nieten 2001, PhD UFW. Bonn.
  • S. Muller 2003, PhD UJF. Grenoble.

The data files can be found here.

Please, refer to the second article if you use these data.